No way example sentences

Finally he saw no way out, and he sank down on the ground, tired to death, thinking that his last moment had come.She had no way of making things right with Wanda, but from now on she would never make anybody else that unhappy again.The death or insanity or insolvency of any member of the company in no way affects the existence of the company.There was no way the ruling party could be defeated, even if people were against it.The weavers have no way of knowing who they are making the cloth for or at what price it will be sold.However, this in no way prevents a company from calling the full amount on shares right at the time of application.What do you think will stop the local people in behaving in a similar manner? Lastly, we come to the nature and wildlife enthusiasts who are in no way dependent on the forests, but who may have considerable say in their management.

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